Care Advice For Elders
The What, Where, How and Why
of Later Life Care Planning.
What We Do
The following are the areas in which CAFEtalk can assist in advising, negotiating and liaising for you.
1. Accommodation
Relocating and Upgrading
Appropriate, affordable and sustainable for current & future needs
Social Welfare
Community Care and Support and Personal Wellbeing Matters
2. Hospital Discharge
Liaising with NHS and Social Services Discharge teams
Intermediate, Respite and Reablement Care
Guidance and Support Through Advancing Frailty
Family and Informal Carers, Care Widows and Widowers
3. Financial Assessments
Means Testing
Non-Mean Testing
Disregarded Assets
12 Week Disregard
Deferred Payment Arrangements (DPA)
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Previously known as Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
4. Health Assessments
NHS Funded Nursing Care Contribution and Continuing Health Care
5. Financial Affairs
Cash flow budgeting
Forecasting and Planning
Savings Investments
6. Care Fee Planning and Funding
Domiciliary or Residential Long Term Care
Preservation of acquired Wealth and Assets for Remaining Life Expectancy
7. Succession Planning; Gifts and Wealth Distribution to chosen Beneficiaries
End of Life Planning and Management through to Spousal Survivor Planning
Post Death Guidance and Support
Planning and Guidance through Widow/Widowerhood